martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Meanwhile on my bookshelf...

Lately I've spent my weekends at home, and I'm embarrased to say that it was because I wanted to, so among other meaningless things I rearranged the books on my shelf in alphabetical order but this time making no distinction between English, American, Spanish, Italian or French. The result was...eclectical. These are some of the funny effects:
-A Qur'an between two Bibles (:s)
-Candace Bushnell ("Sex and the City" author) too close to the Brontë sisters
-Francis Scott Fitzgerald shaking covers with Ken Follett.
-Hemingway with Hardy (this is not as bad as the others)
-Kerouac and Stephen King TOGETHER (this must be a sin)
-Orwell's "1984" too close to the biography of a politician: Obama
-Freud giving advice to "Coraline"on how to live in such a weird world

I like to think that it happens like in Toy Story and the books move when I'm out and just have relationship with those of their level. Helen Fielding's Italian translation of "Bridget Jones' Diary" complaining about "questo Faulkner é pazzo!" (this Faulkner is crazy) and stuff like that.

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