miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

2010: Books I read

Yeah, yeah, I'm not really original, cause both Andrea and Mary Lou already made a post about this, but at risk of humiliating myself, I'm going to share with you those books I remember I read last year. I guess there aren't as many as I'd like to because I was abroad mainly having other kind of fun, bad excuse, I know. To be honest, some of them (two or three, no more) were not finished but that's one of my worst defects. There's a lot of poetry, you'll see, and I'm sure you'll distinguish the summer readings from real literature...hehe. The (R) is for re-reading. The (*) are those I really enjoyed. To this list, I should add some african-american, film and religion books I had to read for my essays but I don't really remember now.

-"Selected Poems" by Langston Hughes (R)
-"The Complete Poems" by Stephen Crane (R)
-"Atonement" by Ian McEwan
-"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
-"The Tempest" by William Shakespeare
-"The Bible: The New Testament" by....several authors? (*)
-"The Carrie Diaries" by Candace Bushnell
-"World Without End" by Ken Follet (*)
-"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by J.K. Rowling (*)
-"Ensayo sobre la ceguera" by José Saramago (*)
-"1984" by George Orwell (*)
-"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck
-"Film History" by Paul Granger et Al. (*)
-"Imagist Poetry"
-"Antología bilingüe" by William Carlos Williams
-"Caroling Dusk" by Countee Cullen (ed.)
-"Love Letters of Great Men"

And I have a loooooooooot to read this year. Right now I'm with Margaret Atwood and Philip Larkin, but these are some I already have and want to read as soon as I finish the 800 pages of The Blind Assassin.

Favorite Poems I just bought it and it's such an amazing discovery! It's a big book full of great poems and poets, designed for boys and girls, but before I read them to my children and create little monsters their classmates will hate, I want to enjoy it. It has great authors like John Keats, William Carlos Williams, Shakespeare, William Blake, Emily Dickinson and my beloved Langston Hughes. It even has the lyrics of the USA national anthem! This is just a couple of lines I extracted:

A word fitly spoken
Is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Wanna know where is it from? THE BIBLE. Lol.

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