domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Film Journal for 2011

Happy New Year to everybody!

2011 just began so I decided it was time to do something not really drastic but, at least, entertaining. The idea came out when I bought two moleskine notebooks almost at the same time so I was wandering what to do with one of them. Then I thought: "why don't you write a film journal?" And that's what I'm gonna do. My new year's resolution is to watch at least one film per day. I assume some days that will be impossible, but it can be balanced by watching 2 or 3 the same day. The result by 31st December 2011 is to have 365 or more films in my journal. There it will be the basic information (year, director, stars) and my personal mark. If you want to do it yourself, click below the image and I'm sure you'll like it.

 I'd like to add a button on my blog to link with my list, but that'll require my friend Andrea's best help. ;)
Today, 2nd day of this year, I added my first movie to the journal: Gulliver's Travels, the TV movie, and my mark is 7.

Hope you like the whole idea and let me know your new year's resolutions (if it's something obscene...even better, of course!).

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